Facebook collects intimate customer data from over 100 European pharmacies

Sun, 30 Apr 2023 3:22:00 Dan

  • Facebook collects detailed information about pharmacy customers and their purchases from over 100 online pharmacies in Europe, a Swedish Radio News investigation has found.

  • The data gathered by Facebook includes search terms and detailed descriptions of products like HIV tests and Viagra, along with identifiers such as email addresses and phone numbers.

  • “I’m shocked because this is data that pharmacies are not allowed to share with anyone,” says Paul Tang, a Dutch Social Democrat MEP.

Swedish Radio News has found over 100 online medicine retailers across Europe that allow Facebook to collect detailed information about customers and their purchases.

The data is collected through a tracking pixel that Facebook provides, and the pharmacies use without the customers’ consent.

More at https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/facebook-collects-intimate-customer-data-from-over-100-european-pharmacies

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I'm a long-time user and enthusiast of open source software and espouse the philosophy that software code should be open (readable). So that everyone can see what happens behind the scenes while we use our electronic devices every day.