Nextcloud in the Wall Street Journal: Microsoft and cookies

Wed, 17 Aug 2022 21:04:00 Dan

Nextcloud was covered in a Wall Street Journal article, “Microsoft Goes on Offensive in Europe to Combat Cloud Concerns.” It covers a range of challenges Microsoft is facing, and how it employs its army of lawyers and lobbyist to push back.

As the article explains, Nextcloud CEO and founder Frank Karlitschek was approached by a Microsoft lawyer earlier this year to make a deal.

In the meeting, the Microsoft correspondent offered benefits in the form of collaboration and marketing to Nextcloud. For example, they wanted to promote the Nextcloud logo in Microsoft marketing material – if Nextcloud would consider dropping its anti-trust complaint.

In early 2021, under the leadership of Nextcloud, a group of companies filed an official complaint with the EU Directorate-General for Competition about the behavior of Microsoft. This coalition of European cloud companies advocates for a level playing field in the EU.

Microsoft has had a lot on its plate in Europe amidst rising concerns about the security of its products as well as bundling ts products with Windows and anti-competitive behavior in other areas. This is rather similar to the hot water other big tech companies find themselves in.

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I'm a long-time user and enthusiast of open source software and espouse the philosophy that software code should be open (readable). So that everyone can see what happens behind the scenes while we use our electronic devices every day.